



ユジャ・ワン本人からの説明が Facebook に投稿されて少し様子が分かったのと、やや批判めいたコメントをしていた指揮者 Tania Miller 氏からの謝罪もあったようだ。

この写真は2月22日に更新されたユジャ・ワンの Facebook のプロフィール写真 ♪


"... I was detained for over an hour and subjected to intense questioning which I found humiliating and deeply upsetting."



"When I was dropped off at the venue for my recital that evening, my eyes were still visibly red and swollen from crying. I was in shock. "

" I decided that wearing sunglasses was the only way to prevent my distress from being seen, since I wasn’t yet prepared to make a statement about what happened."

師の Gary Graffman 氏が聴きに来ていたこともあるのだろうが、リサイタルをキャンセルしないという強い決意をしたユジャ・ワンが、その時にできる最大限の選択をした結果が「サングラス」だったのだろう。


"My main concern in that moment was to give the best performance I possibly could, and not to allow the audience to be distracted by my swollen eyes or visibly shaken demeanor."


✏️Yuja Wang: I Was Humiliated

なお、指揮者 Tania Miller 氏からの謝罪の記事は下記。氏の最初の批判的な記事は Facebook ページから本人が削除したらしい。

✏️Conductor Apologies For Dissing Yuja

また、この記事には Vancouver Recital Society(主催者?)からのユジャ・ワンに対する謝辞も載っている。

"We are so grateful to Yuja Wang for being the consummate professional during her all too brief time in Vancouver on Friday evening."

"We have received so many comments from patrons who attended the recital, glowing about how wonderfully she performed and asking for her return."


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